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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Signing up for Direct Primary Care is easy! Simply click on the "Get Started" button on the pricing page of our website and fill out the registration form. We will then contact you with more information about our services and answer any questions you may have.

  • Direct Primary Care is a model of healthcare delivery that is based on a direct, patient-provider relationship. Patients pay a monthly fee to access a range of medical services, usually without any additional copays or deductibles. This approach is often less expensive than traditional insurance-based models, and can provide more personalized and convenient care.

  • DPC is distinct from traditional health insurance in several ways. First, DPC is not insurance - it is a direct payment model where patients pay a monthly fee to access medical services. Second, DPC is focused on providing routine and preventive care, rather than just covering catastrophic events. Finally, DPC often has a more personalized and convenient approach to care, with providers offering extended office hours, telemedicine, and same-day appointments.

  • The simplest way to understand what is included --- is that you have access to your physicians time. Any costs incurred by procedures, medication, or labs are typically billed "at cost" to the member with a very small markup.

  • Yes, it is still important to have health insurance to cover catastrophic events, such as hospitalizations or surgeries. DPC is designed to provide routine and preventive care, rather than covering major medical expenses. Let us know if you need help with this and we can direct you to business partners who can find you the most cost effective option.

  • Yes, you can use your DPC membership in conjunction with your existing insurance. In fact, many people use DPC as a way to supplement their existing insurance coverage, by providing better access to routine and preventive care.

  • Yes, you can join if you have pre-existing conditions. Your DPC doctor will work with you to develop a personalized plan to manage your condition and prevent any complications.

  • If you need to see a specialist or require hospitalization, your DPC provider can help facilitate the referral process and coordinate your care. In some cases, your DPC provider may also be able to provide guidance on how to navigate the insurance system and minimize out-of-pocket costs.

  • You can contact your DPC doctor after hours by calling the office phone number or sending a message through the patient portal. Your doctor will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have 24/7.

  • No, there is no limit to how many times you can visit the doctor. You can come in as many times as you need, and your doctor will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs.

  • If you need to cancel your membership, you can do so at any time by contacting our office (we request that you give us 30 days notice). If you move, you can transfer your membership to another DPC practice in your new location. We will work with you to make the transition as smooth as possible.

  • Yes, there may be additional costs beyond the monthly fee, such as laboratory tests, imaging studies, or prescription medications. However, these costs are typically significantly lower than what you would pay through traditional insurance channels. Your DPC provider will be transparent about any additional costs and will work with you to minimize expenses whenever possible.

  • During your visits, you can expect personalized care and attention from your doctor. We will take the time to listen to your concerns and address any health issues you may be experiencing. We will also provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan and any necessary prescriptions.

  • We offer discounted prescriptions from our clinic, but if we don't carry a medication we can work with you to find the best price and location with any licensed pharmacy.